Sunday, 7 March 2004

This weekend

Heidi came over for SRA exec weekend.

Many things happened including going to Meta 9 and Neon, doing some fab SRA Work, me cooking (!!!!!), having a Febreeze fight, having a late night love of les mis sharing sess with joliver and mainly me drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking. (oh and spending £60 in the union!!)

Photos here!
(Please leave comments on the photos! I love comments!!!)


  1. I think one of you is getting more out of that kiss than the other, Talia...

    He looks pretty shocked.

  2. It was meta9 for gods sake you fool!

  3. hehe.

    Nope. And I dunno. Heidi spent the same so between us a combined total of £120. I think the word Aftershock was used a lot but still! 60 damn quid!

  4. What lovely shimmering hair you have!
