Thursday 2 September 2010

Cheryl 2.0

Lots of Girls Aloud fun this week. Nadine's team had their first proper meeting planning ahead on Tuesday and then various journalists like NOTW Dan have been played some tracks from the album. The Tesco situation is yet to be revealed to the public, but I'm intrigued to know if it means the songs will be thus excluded from iTunes. Anyway, as good as the music might be (which I think peeps will get to hear next week), will she be able to conquer the media & general public? To me, she's totally unlikeable. If you've not seen it before then you must watch this absolutely priceless clip of Nadine's first TV appearance on the original Irish Popstars. It's jaw-dropping, peep through your fingers car crash tv.

[youtube][/youtube]Possibly my favourite video on the internet...

And perfectly timed, there's a new Cheryl single. I have no doubt that this will have vanished by the time anyone gets into work, but in the meantime check out Promise This (or Promises? Her accent makes it pretty hard to tell). French children's song 'Alouette' is obviously the hot thing in songwriting world at the moment with MDMR banging on about it in Mark Ronson's magnificent 'Bang Bang Bang' and now this clip begining with Cheryl singing it.


'Video clip no longer avaliable'

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