Friday 30 July 2004

So.. I’ve just had to

So.. I've just had to delete 120 spam comments. My that was fun.

There's been a severe lack of updates going on at the moment but this is due to several things...

a) ive moved and have a lack of internet
b) i'm knackered
c) I'm working lots
d) Student Radio is going manic
e) I didn't have much to say.

But thought I'd pop on and say hey i'm not dead x

Saturday 10 July 2004

Would you rather

A) Milk a cow with your mouth

B) Eat a block of butter

Votes please!

Friday 2 July 2004

Home Sweet Home

So I'm off home for a few days to recouperate from the emotional and physical (awful cold) strain of the last few weeks. I've not been back properly for a long time so I'm looking forward to it a lot.

I'm feeling less scared about London than I was a week or so ago. I have good friends down there, and now we've found a house its all somewhat calmer. The people I'm going to miss at Warwick will visit me, and equally I'll visit them. I had a big rant at Dave & Pauly about it all the other night, so thank you for letting me! And Catherine thank you for the email it helped a lot! Now only if I could rid my mind of Biggles the Pilot and the rest :-)

Pumping on my stereo : Modest Mouse - Float On, Tube & Berger - Straight Ahead