Sunday 20 March 2005

Flickr gets Yahoo!ed

So the day that I upgrade to a Flickr pro account, Flickr is acquired by Yahoo!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, yes. I'm somewhat undecided about this. Of course, all the press from Flickr is positive (they're not going to change what we're about, it'll still be the same people running it, etc.) but you only need to look at what happened to Winamp or Netscape (and, ok, Yahoo! are hardly AOL) to see that it takes a little time but things get 'assimilated'. It's half the point of acquiring them.

    I was right on the verge of getting a pro account (I just needed to organise my sytems a bit more and check that everything worked the way I thought it should) but now I'm really not sure. Flickr is *brilliant* but I'm no longer convinced that it will develop in the way that I hoped that it would. I shall keep a close eye, though, and hope that I'm wrong...
