Tuesday 29 May 2007

Trip The Light Fantastic


I've been looking forward to the new Sophie Ellis Bextor album for ages. "Catch You" was great, and "Me & My Imagination" has grown on me a lot. But I was somewhat worried it would feel really out of place in today's pop climate.

And it does... a bit. I'm in no way saying the amazingly named "Trip The Light Fantastic" is actually really good. It's quite good, it's not bad, but I'm beginning to get a bit bored with myself being mean about pop albums I'd probably have loved 4 years ago. Plus Sophie is nice. She played our annual Popstarz charity event "Ray of Light" a few weeks ago, and generally bigs Ghetto up in interviews. Hooray for her.

SEBNothing here makes me scream out load with glee, but various tracks quite quickly grow on you. My 360 turnaround opinion on The Feeling is consumated here, as the tracks written by Dan have quickly become my favourites, especially "Love Is Here". Anyway the real babbling is over at BBC Music.

1 comment:

  1. It's not a "deep" album but it is a consistently (sp?) very good one. A relief! At least someone is trying. Esp now that Madge is goin' Timbaland.
