Tuesday 12 August 2008

Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day

Back in February I watched a trailer on youtube for a film called Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day. I'm not very up on my film but thought this looked simply wonderful. Ever since I've not heard a single peep about it until The Times offered it up last week for a free screening.

The screening took place yesterday and lived up to my expectation in every way. It's a light hearted romp through the glitz and glamour of the days just before WWII broke out with the fabulous Amy Adams and serious acting lady Frances McDormand in the lead roles. Frances plays Miss Pettigrew, a dowdy & homeless former governess who accidentally becomes the social secretary of American flap about town Delysia Lafosse. With excellent costumes, a brilliant soundtrack and some tasty supporting male actors, it had everything to make it a karinski success review wise - music, Lee Pace, war, romance, pre war hair, Cole Porter, frocks, a run time of 1h 30, Amy Adams,  duets and old London.

Simply wonderful, go and see it when it's released next Friday or at very least check out the trailer here.

1 comment:

  1. [...] on the internet) to do than go to the cinema. Anyway the last film I got giddy about seeing was Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day with the gorgeous Amy Adams and knee trembling Lee Pace. Swoon your way through tearjerker [...]
