Monday 19 March 2007

May in Helsinki?

I'm a eurovision fan, not so much as other people but I enjoy it for a great music event, rather than a stupid pisstake like most people I know. When I was a lonely teenager, I used to make little scoreboards and take down notes about each song. I never managed to actually do it properly though, I couldn't keep track which my favourites were! A few years ago, we went to a popjustice Eurovision party which was really good fun, but so loud with talking that it was impossible to hear any of the entries which made me really mad! Last year I was out, but this year May 12th is marked out in my diary, to sit alone in my lounge only with people who promise not to talk REALLY loudly over the whole shebang.

But, now I'm wondering whether I should strike out more than one evening, and try to actually go to Helsinki for the main event itself. Other blogs from people who've been have always sounded fun, and I'm sure the spectacle will be fantastic. Normal tickets are already sold out, but I'm seriously considering getting a press pass via my day job for it. Here is where I possibly need help though webfans! I know nothing about how to get accreditation. In previous years application has been through the BBC but nothing has yet appeared on their press site. The only thing I can find is on the official eurovision site and nothing is explained very well! Rubbish! So if you are up on these things then please let me know!

I'm not entirely sure I want to go. I've not looked into costs to Finland or hotels and I'm certainly not supporting the UK entry, so maybe I should wait until next year when I'll be more prepared. In any case I need to spend some time tomorrow listening to the entries. I've only heard a few so far, but I'm hoping for Moscow 08 or Minsk! Wow I didn't know Minsk was the capital of Belarus, I totally in a Phoebe way want to go there. Everyone vote Dmitry! (Or Tel Aviv, merely cos it would give me the excuse I need to finally go!)


  1. It'll be pretty damn miraculous if you go to Israel. They're so not winning. Minsk or Moscow are more definite choices.

    From what I've heard, hotels in Finland are now pretty scarce and hard to find. I'm sure you could get hooked up on the Eurovizh networks though.

  2. There are loads and loads of hotels in Helsinki, the whole city centre is nothing but a hotel these days! In May Helsinki is beautiful: the sea has woken from its winter's sleep, the people are smiling (they don't in the winter) and everyone will definitely be crazy about Eurovision (this is the first time Finland will host it). You should definitely come!


    Pete, from Helsinki

    P.S. Thanks for a cool blog! You've got a great taste in music!
