Friday 20 July 2007

Husky Rescue

husky rescue

Thanks to the jobs I do, I get a lot of free music. Obviously this is amazing, but it really bugs me that I don't have time to listen to it all. Some CDs get left and never listened to, and some, well they just take me a while to get round to.

Ghost Is Not Real by Husky Rescue is an example of this. I received their album in January but only listened to it for the first time last night and boy am I glad I did. I love a lot of Scandinavian music but most of the artists I know are from Norway or Sweden so it's exciting to see that Husky Rescue are from Finland. A country which, despite being the only one I've visited, I don't know a lot about musically.

The band follow the great Scandanvian tradition of having men on instruments and a brilliant blonde on vocals. Based in Helsinki, Ghost Is Not Real is their 2nd album and a mix of haunting and experimental synth/guitar pop. At times their melodies and Reeta-Leena's voice really remind me of Metric. In fact the album's most upbeat and sexiest song "Nightless Nights" actually sounds like it samples the guitar riff from "Dead Disco" at about 1.28.

"Blueberry Hill" is split into three parts and the rest of an album form a donut around them. Epic and seductive, part three doesn't even contain any vocals but is utterly capivating. Dreamy, cinematic icy bliss.


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