Sunday 29 November 2009

Hollywood Infected Your Brain

Earlier in the year I thought Marina & The Diamonds had somehow been left after the Sound of 2009 poll. Secretly everyone was gently taking their time to make sure the Sound of 2010 poll had her at the top or at very least the top 5. In the ever confusing world of buzz singles, limited release, digital only, the video for her FIRST SINGLE PROPER (i.e. the first single on a major label) seems to have just hit the web.


Marina looks absolutely gorgeous but I'm hoping this isn't another case of 'loved by the critics (at first), written about to the point of boredom and then generally ignored by the public' a la Little Boots. The chorus of this is much poppier than anything else we've heard from Marina before and it includes these outstanding lines that will quite easily make Adrian explode:

'He said 'OH MY GOD, You look like Shakira
No, no you're Catherine Zeta
Actually my name's Marina'

It's like a 2010 answerback song to this that should be sent back in time ten (TEN!) years as a warning:


  1. She's really become quite the beauty hasn't she? the video is verrrry commercial but still quite good. Her voice is so unique that I worry the kind of stardom she might want won't come to her. She's naturally a higher order than the usual mainstream. Whatever, it's a job well done. Can't wait for the CD.

  2. Yes, I'm not really sure what people will think about her voice. I think I'd picked up on the affections rather than how actually deep it was until this song. But, if the UK public make La Roux the voice of the year, who knows!
