Thursday 26 May 2005

My favourite North London Jewish Princess

RachelRachel Stevens, ex S club, hottest girl in pop (although not on this single cover, nice font tho!), bringer of some brilliant, and some diabolical singles is currently planning the release of 'So Good', the 2nd single to be taken from her to be named forthcoming album.

6 years in from when we first met Rachel on debut single and first number 1 for S Club, Bring it All Back, what do we actually know about her?  She was engaged to Jeremy Edwards, then dated a rugby boy, won lots of FHM polls.... anything else?   For those in the know, Rachel is generally regarded as a bit of a bore, and it may be this seeming lack of personality that makes her chart positions not as fantastic as they could be.   For most, Rachel is a voice (and a highly produced one at that).  You could put anyone's vocals on some of her best tracks and not know the difference.  Rachel needs to do something to get people excited about her.

Sogoodpromocdfront4dathBut as I said, her solo singles have not all been great.  Indeed she has seemed to alternate between releasing amazing pop songs (Sweet Dreams, Some Girls, Negotiate with love) and downright clangers (FunkyDory, More More More).   A chart position of 10 for Negotiate with Love doesn't do the song justice, but there is no question to its greatness.   

Now finally she breaks the trend.  The next single isn't the worst thing you've heard all year, but perhaps one of the best.   'So Good' is released way out there on July 4th.  It's much more dancefloor friendly than 'Negotiate with Love', and indeed will be getting an airing in our early set tonight.  It opens with a strong bassline, and then mixes itself between Goldfrapp esque vocals (the echo-y 'you you you') and the hints of a mid 90s rave classic.  Which rave classic I can't quite figure out, but the chorus does sound familiar. [Edit : Figured it out, it's Grace - Not Over Yet]

So come on Rachel, let us see who you are, do something to make the public care about you and buy your music. Because, Miss maybe new Doctor Who companion, sadly your songs just aren't reaching out to people the way they really should.


  1. I'd much rather listen to some new Goldfrapp stuff than Miss Steven's popified version of it. But then you know me and Pop music don't you.

  2. I just heard the new Goldfrapp tune actually, Oh la la la. It's very 2nd album and the sound doesn't seem to have changed at all. But we shall see I suppose!

  3. Have you heard the bootleg of Rachel's Some Girls with Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus? Very good! I'm not a massive fan, but I remain open minded...
