Thursday 22 September 2005

Hello London

And indeed my first post for Londonist is up. 

Have a look at

Londonist is the first UK branch of spin offs from the original Gothamist (a site about New York) website.   It talks mainly, as you may guess, about London - cool things happening in the city, gigs, culture, sport - everything; and is one of London's highest read weblogs.

The problem is that I've always read Londonist to find out what's going on.  Now I need to somehow find out from somewhere else and be able to tell other people!   Funnily enough my specialist subject is going to be music!

Special Request :

If you hear of anything interesting happening or you are going to be getting upto anything fun  in London that I or Londonist might have missed drop me an email on my name at the domain of this site!  And you never know, you might see an article about it on Londonist some time soon x

1 comment:

  1. Ooh now that's just spooky. I just this second emailed Londonist in response to their 'recruiting' ad.

    Congrats on getting something up there. Hopefully I'll be joining you...
