Monday 12 September 2005

Reading 2005 : Charlotte Hatherley in the Carling Tent

ChazWith a sexy new haircut, a movie director boyfriend and 2004’s most
underated album under her belt, there is no denying Charlotte Hatherley’s continuing
position as the sexiest woman in rock. Taking to the Carling Tent for the first time without the comfort of her
fellow bandmates from Ash, this was a note perfect, polished performance to a
surprisingly sizable and welcoming audience. Joined by her band, and cute girl trio of backing singers, tracks such
as the irresistable
Kim Wilde and surf guitarry Summer sounded as fun and energetic as on record. Stand out single Bastardo was met with a cheer, and even the rockiest
Ash fan, disapproving of their princess’ new pop path, could hardily fail but
bounce and sing along. Added treats for
the fans came in two forms. First,
having sung a song about her,
Charlotte launched into a
fun, punky version of Wilde’s most famous hit
Kids In
. And then fresh from success on
the main stage earlier that day, Graham Coxon joined
Charlotte on stage for a
Britpop guitarists love-in with a rendition of Stop.


Up against the Pixies on the bill, Charlotte did well by managing to keep the audience in her tent. We can only hope that when booking next year, it’s Charlotte by herself, not Ash, that return to the Main Stage.


1 comment:

  1. I love Charlotte Hatherley, and I don't care who knows it!
