Wednesday 4 October 2006

Scary shit

I always knew Elmo was evil, but I never expected him to start doing nazi salutes (and generally going apeshit.)


  1. Leave Elmo alone! He's always been cool by me, and gets too much flack.

    The Nazis... You can carry on dissing the Nazis.

  2. Elmo is pure rubbish. Taking SS down to a younger, less intelligent level and generally stealing Grover's crown.

  3. Tosh! He stole nothing. He's an enthuastic and inquisitive good youngster, is super cute, and teaches us all about (shout it with him!) co-operating! And such.

    Obviously, way more love for the old crew, but he's a good (possibly the good...?) post-Henson character and was doing a fine job last i watched it (which was a good few moons ago, granted.) 'Elmo in Grouchland' was ace too, SO NERR.

  4. You'll never ever get this blog to approve Elmo.

  5. That shit is awesome. Its made a grey summer day in Sydney far more entertaining.
