Monday 31 January 2005

That Mitchell & Webb Sound

On Wednesday evening, Ricky and I went from work to see That Mitchell & Webb Sound be recorded for Radio 4 at the Drill Hall, London.

A lot of BBC Radio Shows are recorded at this venue, and on this occasion tickets had been gained from the BBC Ticket Department, rather than attempting to cheekily get on any production guestlists (not that Ricky does anything cheeky with his job, oh no!). Although I'd been to see something so unremarkable I can't remember there without any problems, last time, when I was seeing the Now Show, we only just managed to get in. More tickets than seats are sent out, and basically you have to show up way before doors open at 7.45 in order to get a white sticker which gives you access to the auditiorium. If you get a yellow sticker, you have to wait and see if any white stickers don't show up before being allowed access.

So ... we went to get a sticker straight from work at about 6.40 and then headed back up TCR a little to Eagle Star Diner on Charlotte St, enjoying some fat chips & pancakes. Time was short and we raced back to the Drill Hall, being stopped outside rather bizarrely by Sarah Stone, a friend from school I haven't spoken to in about 6 years who is studying at RADA (next door to the drill hall). Anyway we got into the venue and they had already let enough yellow people in to fill the auditiorium. Bummer!

They were however recording two shows and some people left between shows meaning that we could sneak in and enjoy it. Hurrah. Ricky got a bit annoyed at me for drawing swastika's all over anything i could find while we were waiting though. What? They are just fun to draw! Especially on 6 year old boy's foreheads (a boy in a paper, not a real one. Jeez.)

If you don't know, Mitchell & Webb are the two guys from the most excellent Peep Show. The show also had the lady who plays Sophie in the show, Olivia Coleman, and the lovely James Bachman in it.

James was/is part of population 3, whom my friends and I saw at the Edinburgh festival performing the very funny Wicker Woman and Elephant Woman at the Pleasance. If you ever get chance to see these two shows then do it and sit as close to the front as possible for full interaction :-). It was exciting to see him again, but he didn't seem to do much in the actual show (I think he wrote some of it). But regardless, I'll always be interested in anything he does, as he really seems the kind of guy who you would just love to have as a good friend. I don't know why, maybe because he has eyes that remind me of GM!

Anyway the only reason I wrote this entire blog was just to say that Robert Webb is hot. Very hot. I didn't even pay much attention to the content of the show because I was a) trying to avoid the laughing baboons sat next to me, and mainly b) perving.

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