Friday 29 June 2007

Sarah Nixey at the Luminaire

sarah nixeyIf you don't already know, Sarah Nixey is the former vocalist of utterly ace Black Box Recorder. She's been making waves with a small solo career recently, if you've not heard her in simplest terms think Sophie Ellis Bextor with a Phd. It's intelligent pop music when on the album, but live it's a whole other experience as her band transform the music into hypnotic electro stompers.

Now I'm involved because Sarah is playing the Luminaire in Kilburn on Wednesday night, and I will be the gig DJ. I'm quite excited because this will be a gig where I don't have to make the audience dance. I can play anything I want - and I think that may turn out to lie quite majorly around Scandanavian, obscure 80s or motown music. A fun combination I dare say. Also playing are two bands I know nothing about - the electronic Trademark and the special looking Mister Solo.

So my dears, I'm telling you all this because if you are in London then you should come along! Tickets are on sale for £6 or £7 on the door. Also I have some guestlist so message me for that!

For more about Sarah, the ever brilliant XO London has an interview with her.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you DJ'd! Congrats - that is veddy veddy cool.
