Tuesday 2 January 2007


This little blog has been going under various names since January 2001 I think after Relly started writing a blog and lots of us followed like sheep. I've used blogger, MT, and now typepad, but for 2007 I think it's time for Wordpress. I don't really know why I'm paying for typepad when WP seems to do the same things for free. But now the mission is that I need to find a banner. I'm looking through license free photos on flickr but not having much inspiration. Any ideas?


  1. I lasted all of two days on Blogger before I threw it out the window and restarted on Wordpress. I'm finding it a lot better but above comment is correct, they charge for little things like personalising your template. Header has a habit of disappearing sometimes, it could be just me, though.

  2. Did you say banner? If you did - have a look here: http://www.sxc.hu/index.phtml - you might need an account but it is rather great. And yes, I love Wordpress.
