Monday 13 January 2003

More links! Just been

More links!

Just been reading popjustice & they reminded me that I totally haven't linked to one of my favourite sites.

Tipsheet is now only a shadow of its former self. It used to be run by madman Jonathan King before he was whisked off to jail and continued a little while longer. They produced a weekly magazine which readers could contribute to, highlighting all upandcoming music. I really miss it & was more than a little pissed when it shut the magazine side... as I had work experience organised with them the following week!!! God dang! ... However, the messageboard still exists and occasionally contains some good stuff. Jonathan King also seems to post stuff from jail... and its often complete amusing drivel. Well worth a look

Record of the Day is a new site set up by the people who used to do the TS magazine. You can subscribe to a limited version of the magazine but it is nowhere near as good as the stuff you used to get on TS limited. There is a messageboard tho again, which is often quite good.

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