Friday 10 January 2003

*Yawn* end of first week

*Yawn*  end of first week back and I'm getting a tad weary.  I have no idea what possessed the Business School to organise a lecture on a Friday for 4pm - 6pm in Gibbet Hill, but its bloody tiring.

  This week has been spent mainly going to all my lectures (well all -2... which is good 4 me!) and planning election campaigns.  Now I'm not running myself but as Comms chair it means that we have to co-ordinate the whole election publicity extravaganza.  Union exec last night was very long too which doesnt aid the feeling awake process!

Score was v. cool on Wed.  I'm really enjoying this djing lark now, and surprisingly I'm not too bad at it :-). 

Tonight sees the launch of Reckless.. the new union dance night, so provided Carys gets her arse into gear i'll be heading along there in a bit. 

See you all later, oh apart from that one person who you may not think I know ur reading this but I do... get over it please.  Remember me talking about tiresome things earlier!!

Trix xx ps. if anyone can help me out figureing out how to put a commenting thing in here i'll be eternally greatful!

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